Monday 17 March 2014

Genesis 1:11-13

11 And God said, “Let the earth sprout vegetation, plants[a] yielding seed, and fruit trees bearing fruit in which is their seed, each according to its kind, on the earth.” And it was so. 12 The earth brought forth vegetation, plants yielding seed according to their own kinds, and trees bearing fruit in which is their seed, each according to its kind. And God saw that it was good. 13 And there was evening and there was morning, the third day.

After modelling the foundations of our soul God calls fruit to spring forth from it and cover it.  This is like the fruits of the spirit that I've read about.  He creates a greenhouse within us, and then He plants the first seeds of his love and life, ready for His spirit to nurture them and guide us in how to nurture them.   It is the next part or the next step in the process of us being recreated.  Equally as beautiful and vital as the others.  

We are told in the NT that each tree produces fruit according to its own kind.  I know I have sometimes been blinded, or have blinded myself into believing that a rogue piece of fruit came from a very different tree.  Like a rotten apple being plucked from a tree that promised ripe and juicy ones.  I have looked at situations and marvelled "Why did this tree produce such foul fruit in my hands?  There must be something wrong with the tree!"

But we aren't to look at what God has given us and blame him.  What I was tending to was sin, only I name and dressed it up in terms of 'good'.  And how badly I wanted the fruit of that labour to be something I could present to God and say 'Look at this!'.  Something that I could then seed and replant again and again until I had a whole orchard.  Instead the fruit that grew was a weed that threatened to kill and override the gospel, the truth.  God gave me the gardening handbook but I chose not to read it.  I wanted to believe that this was the right plant.  I read my own manual about how to care for this Garden of Eden within myself.  Duh!  God's garden requires God's instruction.  And I definitely want to be His.  

However ,when we do tread carefully, and seek out the weeds of our soul, and discern between the good and the bad plants, the fruit does ripen into exactly what God said it would.  

How often do I look at my own fruit and marvel at how it got there?  I tell myself 'But I didn't do anything wrong!  This is your garden God - you let it grow!'.  I was trying to be gracious, generous, loving, trusting in God.  Well check again dear - the fruit of the Spirit comes from the Lord alone and His love sprouts no evil.  No, I was being self-righteous, greedy, selfish and doubting God.  

But God's not walking out on me, not yet and not ever.  Because there's a greater one at work than myself in this garden and its through Him and by Him that I know God will create a sweet place where life bursts forth and produces all sorts of fruit.  I am so grateful for the work He does in us, and the discipline he provides to train us.  I pray that I do not grow lax or indifferent to the overgrown tangled messy corners of my soul where the weeds set deep and stubborn roots.  I pray for the discernment, courage, strength and motivation to see a bad tree for what it is and that through Jesus I can rip it out at the roots.  Create in me a garden that glorifies you Lord and produces the fruit of your Spirit!

1 comment:

  1. So honest and bare Nikki, and so needed. I'm so thankful God led you to this so you can calm the war within your heart. Love you and praying for your next steps! Keep writing!
